About the Collective

Anyone who's loved someone actively using substances or in early recovery knows how challenging it can be. Your heart’s in the right place, but you're not sure what works and what doesn’t. That’s the mission of this collective: to curate existing tools and resources you can use to learn and grow, hear stories of others who have walked the path, and find strategies for coping and self-care.

This comes from the heart

I'm Meredith Deaver, a parent, writer, content designer, and student. I developed this website in collaboration with Dr. Adam Meadows, and other experts in the substance misuse, treatment, and recovery space.

This website is close to my heart. Based on my own experience supporting a loved one who recovered from substance use disorder, I hope it provides access to information that helps others in similar situations. Along the way, in my own journey, I made plenty of mistakes, missteps, and rushed in to rescue too many times. I would have loved to have had a resource like this one to help me find my path forward.

The paradox of letting go

It can feel counterintuitive to shift the focus from someone who's struggling to yourself. But, when the problems of someone close to us affect our lives, many things we instinctively do may not help us or those we love. In fact, fixating on someone else's issues can do the opposite - prolong the problem and interfere with everyone’s recovery.

Our mission

This initiative is intended to connect you with tools and resources you can explore to learn, watch, listen, read, grow, find groups to engage with in your community, and learn how others have found and embraced positive change.

Experts, supporters, and contributors

Dr. Adam Meadows

Dr. Adam Meadows

Dr. Meadows is a board-certified psychiatrist whose interests include promoting wellness, creating emotional safety, and leadership development. He collaborated extensively in developing this resource, providing valuable insight and guidance in all aspects of the toolkit.

Jeanne Schultz

Jeanne Schultz

Jeanne is a certified peer support specialist and horticultural therapist. She is also the owner and founder of 12 Acre Farm Services, an organization dedicated to bringing the healing properties of nature to others through a variety of soothing and often surprising experiential activities.

Jeff Schultz

Jeff Schultz

Jeff is on the board of Families Anonymous, leads a local FA group, and is a frequent public speaker on addiction and recovery. He works to educate others on the disease to help those who are struggling, whether as an addict, a parent, or a loved one.

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